Kids these days spend most of their time in front of mobile or tablet screen. They depend so much on the availability of television or mobile that they spend most of the time alone and avoid public gatherings. However, parents always want to know how to reduce screen time for their Little1. But most of the parents are always looking for solutions for their kids who are completely lost in the world of the digital world. Well, the secret to this problem needs lots of effort from the parents. This way, they can help their kids lead a healthy and normal life.
Tips for reducing screen time of kids
Here are some tips that will help you in restricting your kid’s screen time to a great extent.
Be a role model
Remember that kids follow the parents in most of the cases. Kids observe when you are binge-watching your favorite web-series or keeping the television on all the time. If you are addicted to your mobile or watching television, then you cannot expect your child to limit its use. Therefore, start with setting a good example for your child. They will ultimately follow the routine and reduce screen time.
Keep yourself updated
Today’s generation is way smarter than us and ahead of us when we talk about technology. They can easily hide things from their parents and befool them. Therefore, parents should be aware of recent applications or the trends of social media.
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These things involve lots of risks and the kids should know about those risks. If parents do not have knowledge about the hazards of the internet, then how will they teach their kids. Parents need to participate equally in social media trends for the latest updates. This way, they can save much of their kid’s time and also prevent them from the dangers of the internet.

Zones free of technology
The best way to reduce the screen time of kids is to make a zone that is free from technology. Such as decide any area of the house and strictly prohibit the use of mobile or laptop or any other gadget there. Most probably the area should be the dining area where the whole family can have lunch or dinner together. It will help all the family members to enjoy each other’s company than just bowing their heads towards the phones. Also, use that time to have friendly conversations to develop a better relationship with your kids.
An unplug hour
There should be a fixed one hour daily except for zones when the whole family does not use mobiles or laptops. Make sure that that one hour is exciting and fun for the kids so that they understand that real fun is outside not inside the gadgets. Also, you can play family games with the children outside or inside the house during that time. Therefore, this one hour is of great help to the parents who want to increase the involvement of the kids in the family.
Child locks
Technology has also provided the solution to this common issue of the parents. Fortunately, parents can control the actions of the kids by applying safety locks to television and mobile phones. You can also put a restriction on various channels that are inappropriate for the kids. The system will hide those channels automatically and the mobiles also the same protection system. It reduces a lot of stress from the parents.
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Moreover, they can also keep an eye on what their kids are doing or watching online. You can use these restricting locks without intimidating your kid.
Have a talk!
If your kid is at the age of understanding good or bad, then you should make them aware of the risks and dangers of excessive screen time. After all, they also want good health. Therefore, let them know why you deny much use of screens. The damage to the eyes should be at the priority list.
It will help in reducing the arguments. Kids will definitely understand that their parents do not want anything bad for them.
If the kid is elder and mature enough to handle social media accounts, then make them aware of the internet scams and scammers. Also, teach them about the misuse of their privacy on social media accounts.
Know their passwords
It is not at all an invade in their privacy if you ask their passwords of social media accounts. Kids at a young age, make thousand of mistakes. But you can save them at the right time if you have complete information about it. Also, keeping some rules related to the use of these platforms will be of great help. For instance, you can ask them to use lesser services wherever possible. Make sure that you save them from the cyberbullies looking for prey all the time.
Distraction works
The gadgets reduce the physical activity of the kids. Therefore, you should try to distract and involve them in other activities like outdoor games. For instance, take them to the park or play their favorite outdoor game. Entertainment is the main reason that kids get so addicted to the screens. So, try to entertain them outside the television or phone. It will help in the physical development of the kids.
Personal screen media
The kids who have their personal television or laptops at a young age are more likely to get addicted to it. In any case, you should not install electronics in their bedroom or give them personal laptops. Because kids get into the habit of using them late at night. And it disturbs their sleep.
Make it a reward
You should make your child very clear that the screen time providing to them is a privilege. Also, they should know that watching television all the time is not their right. Therefore, give them rewards like watching tv for half an hour extra and also punish them with no screen time for anything bad they have done.
These were some of the major key points that will help you to get through the problem and reduce screen time for the kids.