Art and Crafts for kids is the best way to utilize the time with your kid at home. These fun activities help to unveil the hidden creativity of kids. Interestingly, kids never get tired of crafting.
If your kid has a pending craft project for school, and you are trying to find some quick tricks to help them, you must check out these easy and fun craft ideas for kids.
Why Crafts for Kids is important
Let’s know about the benefits of art and crafts in kid’s lives.
It helps in engaging the whole brain area at the same time. Also, it improves bilateral coordination between both sides of the brain. Therefore, it helps in improving cognitive skills.
Not only the brain but the arms and legs also get involved in the craft activities. Therefore, it helps in the development of motor skills.
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It encourages social development through regular interactions.
Parents who are usually busy in their professional life gets a chance to develop an emotional bond with their kid by taking part in craft activities.
Various Crafts for kids
Puff painting
The puff painting is full of fun. You need to paint the paper using different colors in the way you like. And then put the paper in the microwave to heat only for a few seconds. The experience of watching the paint getting fluffy is quite joyful. You can make any design like flowers or trees. It is interesting to see the flowers growing on paper. This, it a complete pack of fun and science at the same time.

DIY Windchime
Windchimes are everybody’s favorite. And nothing is better than making one for yourself at home and that too with your kid.
How to make it:
You will need some keys, a stick, acrylic paint, and a string.
First of all paint the keys with colors of your choice. Also, the double coating will make more impact. Let the first coat dry and then paint them again with the same color. Let the keys dry. Meanwhile, paint the stick with a combination of colors. Then start tying the string to the end of the keys. Also, make sure that the keys are close to each other so that they can chime in the wind. Don’t forget to tie up the string to both ends of the stick so that you can hang it at your favorite place.
Bubble painting
Your kids will definitely love you for this activity. You will need paint, paper, straw, dish soap, and cup. Fill the cup till half with water and then add some dish soap and paint. Then, put the straws into the cup and let the kids blow bubbles out of it. Of course, the young kids will need complete supervision but let them go crazy with the bubbles. Then, take the imprint of the bubbles by placing the paper on the top of the cup full of bubbles. Keep repeating the process until the paper is full of different colors.
Paper rainbow
It is a fun and learning activity for toddlers. First, you need to collect the papers preferably of rainbow colors and a white paper also. Now, cut the white paper in shape of a cloud. Make sure it is bigger in size. Then, take the coloured papers and cut the thick lines out of it.
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Paste the papers on one side of the cloud so that they hang downwards. Also, you can draw a smiling face on the front side of the cloud to make it look cute. In this way, you can also teach the toddler about the different colors of the rainbow and to the older kids the science behind the eruption of rainbow.
Dropped off paint
It is the easiest craft and the most enjoyable. You need some flower pots for this and paint. Start with the bottom of the pots. First, cover the holes on the bottom and then pour the color on it. Keeping pouring different colors on the bottom of the pots till they start falling on the sides. In the end, you will get a series of colors dropping off the pot.
Family tree
One of the best Crafts for kids is Making a family tree is the best activity for kids. It does not require much material just a sheet, green color, black pen or sketch, and a thumb of course. First of all, draw a tree on the paper which is bigger in size so that it covers the whole family. Make sure that tree has fine branches and interconnected also. Now put some color on the palette and dip your thumb with it. Then, draw the leaves with the painted thumb all over the tree.
Your tree is ready and for making it your family tree write the names of your family on it. Also, you can write the mother side’s family names on the left and father side’s family name on the right. Write the names of senior member of the family on the roots of the tree and move to the top by mentioning all the branches as your grandfather’s kids and their kids and so on.
Paper jellyfish
It is another joyous Crafts for kids. Children can easily make paper jellyfish at home and then use them as decoration pieces at home or in the playroom. For making jellyfish, you need paper plates, colors, and knitting yarn. First, you need to paint the plate from inside and outside. You can also paint it like an umbrella for a better effect.
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Then take the yarn and dip them into different colors. Let them dry. Now, make two holes in the centre of the plate approximately 0.5 inches apart. Then, tie up the plate with yarn and make a knot of the colored yarn on the top. For the brighter view, you must use acrylic paint and the jellyfish will glow in the dark.
These were the fun ideas for the exposure of tiny brains. But make sure that you watch your kid while performing them any activity.