Summer is the time to collect memories during vacations. The first thing that kids discuss when they meet after vacation is how they spent their summers. The hot weather restricts lots of activities. But we have come up with a list of summer activities for kids that will make this time joyful and memorable for them. If you have kids, you will get a chance to be a child again and live those memories again.
Let’s know the importance of summer activities in few words first.
Why summer activities for kids are important?
Summer is the best time for parents to work on their kids skills and learning. Every parent tries to work on enhancing their kid’s abilities. Studies helps increasing the knowledge of the children but their brain actually develops with the activities and games which induces learning. Therefore engaging your kid in some fun activity is quite important for the development of their motor skills.
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Adding on, parents get lots of time to work or do other important tasks. Therefore, if you are looking for some alone time, let your kid be engaged in some enjoyable activities.
Fun activities for kids
It is the best time to go for a bicycle ride with your kid. Not only it adds fun to the day but it improves their balancing. You can choose the track appropriate for your kid’s age. If you are choosing the hilly trail, then make sure you and your kid is wearing the bicycling kit. It includes helmet, knee guards, and elbow guards.

Making ice cream
What else can soothe on a hot summer day than a chilling ice cream. Let your kid choose their favorite flavor and make an ice cream of their choice. There is no risk involved in it as it’s flameless kitchen activity and you can easily observe them.
Visit to the playground
Playgrounds are the favorite places for the kids who like swings and open area to run. You can make the most of it by inviting over your friends with kids of same age. Together they will enjoy more and you can also enjoy with your friends while keeping an eye at kids.
Camping is always a fun idea. But outdoor camping is not possible with small kids. So why not use your backyard for some adventure. Drag your camping bags to the backyard and set them up there. Also cook the food and enjoy the night under the stars
Science experiments
If your kid is more of the book lover, then science experiments can lure them. There are so many easy fun experiments that you can carry out along with your kid inside home. For instance, floating eggs in salt and water or making puffy soaps.
Pool bath
There is no relief from this scorching summer than taking a bath. Also, inflatable pools are the best idea of fun for kids. You can invite your kid’s friends or cousins and let them enjoy together in the pool. Some pool toys can add to the enjoyment. For instance, balls, play sticks and so on.
Bird feeder
Engage your kids in making bird feeders. Not only it will keep them busy in some creative way but only it teaches them to be kind towards nature. let your kid make the feeder using toilet paper rolls and spreading peanut butter all over it. Then, hang it on the wall outside. It will be fun for them to watch birds eating the feed.
Visit to library
Library is not the place only for bookworms. But kids can also visit it for some fun. It has lots of educational computer games and some interesting audio books. There are many toys appropriate for every age. So, you can take your kid to the library and let them enjoy the company of books and you can also grab a good book for yourself and have some peace of mind.
Colorful playdoughs
It is also one of the most interesting summer activities for kids. Playdoughs if interest your kid would be ready in almost 10 minutes. There are numerous ideas available on making playdoughs at home.
Fort building
This is the best way to spend an afternoon. Fort building is an adventure for your kid and it will excite them every single time. You just need to adjust the furniture together and use some sheets to make a fort on the sofas. For sitting, you can use pillows. Prepare some snacks and have fun-filled time with your family.
Hide and seek
Hide and seek has been the favorite game at old times. Let’s revive this game by adding some fun into it. You can play hide and seek in the dark to make it more interesting. Firstly, you should cover all the hazardous areas so that there is no harm to the kids. Then, keep all the light areas dark. For instance, cover the windows with blinds or curtains, switch off all the lights and start playing.
Paper boats
If it is a rainy day and your kid’s outdoor activity is cancelled, then cheer them up with the idea of making paper boats. Collect some waste papers and teach them to make paper boats and float it in the water. They can also paste small flags on the boat and name their boats.
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Water parks
The name itself is magical, this could be another best Summer Activities For Kids. Water park is the best place to get some relief from the spectacular dead heat. Don’t forget to keep extra clothes for taking water rides in the park. Also, carry bags that has waterproof pockets.
Chalk bombs
Kids are a big fan of chalk bombs. However, it is a messy idea but there is no fun like this. And the best tool for this is the soap dispenser. First of all, you need to add some cornstarch in a glass of water and then add food colors. Fill the balloons with your kid and give them some area to go wild.
Cooking their favorite things like cookies, cakes or sandwiches can be overwhelming for kids. Let them try something of their choice and help them with the recipe. Kids would love to eat whatever they have made. But, be very cautious of the harmful things present in the kitchen and supervise them for their good.
Rock painting
Rock painting is another creative idea to enhance your kid’s skills. First, engage your kid in collecting rocks from nearby and then paint them. They can make faces on them or whatever they like to paint. And you can use those rocks as paper weights, decorative items or door stoppers.
Sunscreen painting
The artistic kid would love this activity but they need some of your sunscreen and a black paper. Put sunscreen in a bowl and give the kid a chart to draw anything of their choice. They can paint anything using sunscreen with their hands. After sometime, leave the painted paper in the sun and watch the changes occurring in the painting.
Sponge balls
Sponge bombs are great idea for summer. Also if you are teaching your kid about textures then, it is the best time to hand over sponges to them. Firstly, you need three pieces of sponge and cut all of them to make nine. Tie them together from the ends and then fill with water. For better balls, you can use different color of sponge.
Visit to the beach or lake
If there is a lake or beach nearby you, it is an addition to the fun part. You can spend a summer day by creating lots of memories. Plan a day on the beach and enjoy the summer breeze. Also, you can carry the food and a play mat for your kid. But you need not to worry if your kid’s plan is to get dirty in the sand. Instead give them ideas to build sand fort and enjoy the day at its best.
Sprinkler run
Beat the heat with the sprinklers in the garden area. If you have the sprinklers set up in the garden, nothing better than that. If not, then you can grab four or five sprinklers and set them up in the garden. Also, it is the best playtime for toddlers. Make them wear their favorite swimsuit and run in the sprinklers.
Kite flying
Kite flying is a good activity which involves brain and body both. Choose an open area where you can fly kite and run. It helps in improving the coordination of the child and also teaches them to have patience. It is the best possible way to spend a sunny day in a playground with the family and friends.
Night walks
Walks are always good option whether it is morning or night. In summers, the weather is quite amusing during night. So, you can take advantage and go for a walk in the park. Also, don’t forget to carry a mat to enjoy stargazing. However, it is fun in itself but you can make it more interesting by telling your kids about the stars and locating Orion’s belt.
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This way, you can spend the summer rightly and indulging your kid in one or the other activity every day.